While I have some amazing memories from my childhood, I sometimes look back and wish I could have the chance to re-do it. I used to feel like people were always comparing me to other children my age, and feeling like ‘the big one’ made me angry and upset. As time went on, I got bigger, and that’s when the bullying started.

I didn’t get the experience of university life I’d hoped for either. I was too big to take part in many activities, and I couldn’t fit into the seats in some lecture halls.

Time for change

At my heaviest I weighed 38st 13½lbs. I'd spend most days lying in bed, eating and watching TV. I suffered many embarrassing situations, including cracking the family bath when I stood in it to shower.

When I saw photos a friend was posting on her social media profiles as she lost weight with Slimming World, I decided to follow her lead and joined.

I was completely shocked that cooking something the Slimming World way could taste so delicious – better than before, in fact.

Coming from an Asian background, I love rice, so I was over the moon to know I could eat rice and still lose weight. I can honestly say I have never felt hungry.

Before, I wouldn't eat anything until lunchtime. Now I have a breakfast of bran flakes with fat-free yogurt and chopped strawberries, or an omelette. Lunch is usually a chicken and pasta salad, or ham and cream cheese sandwich with salad.

In the evening I'll have a home-made butternut squash risotto, or if I'm short on time, a Slimming World ready meal (available from Iceland). And these days, I snack on fruit or fun-size Mars and Twix bars.

As the weight began to come off, I had more energy, and found the confidence to become more active.

Now I love going to the gym, taking part in fitness classes, swimming and running. My ambitions now include running a marathon, doing a triathlon and learning to scuba dive.

Since starting my journey, my waist has shrunk from 64ins to 34ins. And as well as a new wardrobe, I've had to splash out on all new shoes because I've dropped two shoe sizes!

Everyone tells me I look amazing, which feels great. My confidence has soared, and I’m so much happier – and more ambitious.

I got a new job as an on-board host for Rail Gourmet/South West Trains, and in 2016 I was named Slimming World’s Greatest Loser.

Being overweight affected my entire life – until now. Finally I know what it’s like not to feel like an outsider, not to take up two seats on a train, not to be in constant pain. My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner.

*Weight loss will vary due to your individual circumstances and how much weight you have to lose.